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The ACT41000 can operate from an input voltage between 4.5 to 40 volts, which enables it to generate a regulated adjustable output voltage up to 24 volts at 4 amps, in small steps of 12.5 millivolts. The design uses power management to simplify the GaN biasing procedure. It integrates the power MOSFETs and current digital-to-analog converter to allow the device to precisely detect the PA quiescent drain current. Qorvo’s ACT41000-104-REF1 provides built-in configurability that enables it to bias a variety of GaN PAs and auto-calibrate the system. In systems using GaN PAs, a specific bias sequencing is required: a negative gate voltage must be applied before increasing the drain bias voltage to protect the device from damage. GaN devices are depletion-mode FETs that require a negative gate voltage during operation. GREENSBORO, NC – J– Qorvo ® (Nasdaq:QRVO), a leading provider of innovative RF solutions that connect the world, today announced the availability of the ACT41000-104-REF1, a GaN power amplifier (PA) biasing reference design that enhances the design and testing of Qorvo’s GaN PAs. Integrated Technology and Configurability Enhances GaN PA Testing, Design

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